Safeguarding Intent

The role of Designated Safeguarding Lead has many areas of responsibility and influence.

The role of Designated Safeguarding Lead has many areas of responsibility and influence.

Fundamentally, it is everyone’s responsibility to mitigate the risk of serious harm to the pupils that attend our school.

It is also our responsibility to ensure our pupils are supported and educated to enable them to thrive in their studies, whilst being provided with the education and the information to make informed safer choices.

It is incumbent upon Digitech studio school to understand the needs of its pupils, whilst being mindful of the potential vulnerabilities and how susceptible our pupils may be to them.

At Digitech studio school, we endeavour to identify the areas of need for our pupils, so that an effective curriculum, in conjunction with proactive safeguarding, provide our pupils with the best opportunities to be safe and thrive in their education.

Digitech offers a wide range of education and support to its pupils via the DP curriculum.

Our extensive DP Curriculum provides our students with education around areas such as online safety, healthy relationships, and personal identity.

It is essential that our DP curriculum meets the needs of our pupils. At Digitech, over 50% of our pupil population will have traits of neuro diversity, whilst a significant proportion will require additional support with their mental health and online/in person relationships.

In addition to our DP curriculum, our pupils also have access to other avenues of support, which include a school nurse, school counsellor, pastoral team, and the DSL.

As DSL, I work closely with school colleagues and other professionals to ensure our pupils can achieve their best outcomes by ensuring our safeguarding practices are effective and pupil centred.