Notice of Academy Staff Councillor Election

We currently have a vacancy for a Support Staff and Student Advocate Academy Councillor, and you are very welcome to put your name forward should you wish to stand for election.  Much like a Governing Body, the Academy Council’s role is to ensure children learn in a safe environment and to the maximum of their ability.

What does being an Academy Councillor involve?

You don’t need to be an experienced professional to be a brilliant Academy Councillor – it’s about attitude and your personal skills as much as it is professional experience.

Our Academy Councils normally meet five to six times a year, although there may be occasions when an extraordinary meeting is convened to discuss urgent business.   Councillors are encouraged to link up with a specific part of academy life.  This might be taking a special interest in a subject area, such as English, or having a focus on a group of students, such as those with special educational needs.

It is important that Councillors attend Council meetings regularly; this is where key decisions are made and where the Council have a good opportunity to challenge the academy teams. Councillors will receive the meeting agenda and associated papers in advance of the meeting and are expected to spend some time preparing for the meeting.  Councillors are also required to complete core training on an annual basis via the online Nimble training platform.

Staff Councillors are representative of the staff body; they are able to bring the staff’s perspective to discussions and decisions being made by the Academy Council.

If you would like to put your name forward, or if you would like more information on the vacancy, please contact the Clerk to Council, Charlotte Seavill via  Nominations must be received in writing by Wednesday 2 November.

Charlotte Seavill

Clerk to the Academy Council